Why manners matter

Manners matter, but why? I grew up with a napkin on my lap, not to eat until everyone has sat down, "please" and "excuse me" were taught early on. It’s something I have carried into my life and passed down to my daughter. You could say I am quite the stickler when it comes to manners and notice when someone does or doesn’t use them. I put manners into the category of kindness. It holds a ton of value but costs one nothing.  

So, why do manners matter? 

  1. Having good manners improves how you interact with people and helps with communication skills. From school, friends, relationships, and especially at work, this is a skill set that is so important throughout your entire life. Having great communications skills is important to convey your opinion or set boundaries clearly for yourself.
  2. You can inspire others to be kind and considerate. Saying please and thank you are like little hugs of kindness. That’s why they are some of the most important words! 
  3. We interact with people daily and how we behave toward them often influences their reaction. When my daughter asks me for something with the magic manner words, she is ten times more likely to get her way (she knows this too... ha!) 
  4. Having good manners shows we care and respect the other person. Manners come in handy at the table but also in a disagreement. Being able to admit fault and apologize is a powerful, courageous act. Another great example is waiting for a friend to catch up or going out of your way to help someone. Manners come in all different shapes and sizes, just like us! 
  5. GREAT manners are the building blocks of a healthy society. No time has that ever rang more true than right now. Wearing a mask is one of the single most kind acts you can perform for someone else. With our under five years old community still not able to be vaccinated, masking up is a beautiful way to communicate kindness and caring for others. Can you think of another way your actions can impact the world in which we live? 

Our manners can be our superpowers!