As a parent, we want to protect our kids and shield them from the world they live in. I personally would like to wrap Poppy in bubble wrap and not let her out of the house until she's 30, but that's not an option. That's why I created Bright Littles. I need to prepare her so she can protect herself. June is safety month, and we want to help start the conversation with your bright littles.
According to our Bright Littles survey, over 96% of parents think it's essential to have these conversations, but 63% of parents say the tools are lacking and not age appropriate.

Our Bright Littles Safety Convo journals are the perfect age-appropriate tool to start hard conversations with your little one around guns, strangers, poison, medications, getting lost, safe words, fire plans, and more. Each Bright Littles Journal engages little ones to learn through doing. Keeping them engaged, learning, and preparing! Our safety journals teach hard things through games, art, questions, activities, and conversations while earning badges signifying accomplishment.
We invite you to dive into the safety conversation with us and prepare our future Bright Leaders.