How Talk to Kids About War

Conversations with kids

I started Bright Littles because I am a mom who wanted to have hard conversations. I want to prepare my daughter for the real world and be her source of information. What is occurring right now in Israel and Palestine is one of those times I choose to get uncomfortable and have brave conversations with my daughter. 
After taking the past couple of days to process my own feelings, reading and educating myself, talking to my own child, and consulting with experts, I want to share how to navigate these difficult conversations with compassion and empathy.

- Initiate the conversation: Don't wait for someone else to inform your children; take the initiative to discuss the situation with them. 
- Use open-ended questions to start the conversation, see what they say, and take it from there. You could say, "Have you heard what's been going on in the world?" or "Have you heard anything about what's going on in Israel and Palestine?"
- Choose the right moment: Talk to your kids when you are calm and composed. High emotions can cloud the conversation, so ensure you can provide clear information.
- Reassure their safety: Communicate the measures you have in place to keep your children safe, helping them feel secure in uncertain times. Remind them of things they can do when they are feeling worried or anxious. Use a map to show the distance between their home and where the conflict is occurring.
- Monitor media exposure: Be mindful of the media content you and your children are exposed to, particularly in their presence, to minimize unnecessary stress. Talk to older kids about the importance of looking at trusted sources for news; share your trusted sources.
- Honesty in responses: Answer their questions honestly in brief discussions. Encourage multiple conversations that always conclude with an opportunity for them to ask questions.
- Encouraging Open Dialogue: Always maintain an open invitation for conversations on any topic, emphasizing our constant availability for discussion.
- Instill a sense of hope. Remind them that many people are working hard around the world to stop the conflict and find peace.

Remember that there's no one-size-fits-all response for how your child should react. Allow them to express their emotions, feeling or not feeling, and support them in being exactly where they are at that moment! 
Sending so much love to you! 🌎❤️

xo Tara Miko