A moment in time: Making a time capsule
My husband said to me the other day, “someday, we are going to find a mask and say, do you remember the pandemic?” Just like parenting, I think I will never forget, and then your kids get older and the details and the dates start to get blurry.
We decided to make a time capsule and document this crazy time in our lives. From what we were thinking and feeling during this time to what we learned and what we hope will change.
Here are some conversation starters that might help you and your little one decide what to include in the time capsule:
- What is your favorite memory from this year?
- What did you learn from the pandemic?
- Did you like being at home?
- What were some of the activities you did at home?
- Make a fort?
- Spend time outside?
- What did you do for your birthday?
- Did you have a car parade?
- Did you like Zoom school?
- Is there something you hope changes before you open this time capsule?
- Something in your community?
- In the world?
- Was it hard not to see your friends?
- Did you feel excited to go back to school? Scared? Nervous? All of them at the same time?
- What was your favorite part about going back to school?

Here are some other ideas of things you could include in the time capsule:
- Trace a handprint/footprint with age and date
- Include special objects or photographs taken over the pandemic
- Local paper
- Pictures
- Favorite book or toy
Take a shoebox and decorate it with the kids. Add the date to open the box!